Vincent Johnson (BattleTech)

Vincent Johnson
Vincent Johnson
Also known asTest9


Test9 was born and raised on New Syrtis by a scholar who idolized the early Star League. He grew up following Star League principles and modeling his behavior after the knights and his techniques after the Star League Gunslingers.

He trained at the Warrior's Hall and even earned some distinction serving in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, but to him the conflicts he was fighting were never going to revive the Star League golden age, so he decided to travel to the Periphery and, while honing his skills, evaluate the noble potentials of the nations there.

Since then, he has been in several mercenary companies, never staying more than one year with any.


Test9 is one of 62 MechWarriors designed by BattleTech Kickstarter backers of Mercenary MechCommander and above. Featured only in the apocryphal BattleTech video game, the character is considered apocryphal as well.[1]


  1. BattleTech
