User talk:Nicjansma

Revision as of 02:09, 21 January 2011 by Nicjansma (talk | contribs)


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Problems with Ads

Hi Nic, i think i'm having some problems with advertising ads on the site. Everytime (from home) go to edit a article, the ads on the webpage interfer with my computer. It normally, is broadcasting what i'm doing to what ever website is the sponsor for Sarna's ads. However, these things are becoming a problem. One point, i almost lost a article i was working on, because stupid ad faded in when i was doing preview of what i had typed. I managed to get it back by press the (back arrow) on my IE i use. I don't quite have same problem other location, since the network computer system is bit stronger in security. I realize that ADs are important way to sustain the Battletech Wiki, but when it interfers when i'm trying edit something i have to say something. I believe interference depends on the ads themselves. I wish there was something that could be done about this. I hate see this place become viral environment. This was webpage that comes up recently. It hijacks the page from what person is doing. It doesn't need to be editing. -- Wrangler 03:01, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

Hi Wrangler! Sorry to hear you're having problems with the advertising. The next time you have an ad that interferes with what you're doing, can you take a screen shot of it and send it to my email? nic at nicj dot net. I have not seen any ads that would interfere with your editing. Namely, the only ads that are on the site are the banner ads at the top of the screen. They cannot get larger, nor should get they in front of your keyboard input or anything. If you are seeing that happen, I would be worried that you have a virus or other spyware on your machine that is inserting these ads instead. Another thing that you can do, as a logged in editor, is change your "Skin". Click on "my preferences", then the "Skins" tab and select "Sarna" instead of "SarnaAdsense". This changes your skin to not show any ads at all. If you do that, and you still see advertising, it is very like that you have a virus on your computer. Best of luck! Let me know what you find. Nicjansma 06:09, 21 January 2011 (UTC)