James Bixby (person)

James Bixby
James bixby real.jpg
Personal profile
Birthdate (1983-02-24) 24 February 1983 (age 41)
  • Author
  • Podcaster
Years active1988 - Present
WorksCategory:Works by James Bixby
Social Information
Offical WebsiteArbitration Studios
User on BattleTechWikiJPArbiter
User on BattleTech's Official forumJPArbiter
In-universe persona

James Bixby is a long time fan of Battletech, Who (as he puts it): Wormed his way into Catalyst hearts through mild to moderate stalking.

Professionally for Battletech he is:

BT Personas[edit]

Partly due to contribuitions to the kickstarter character creation tiers James Bixby is possibly the single most canonised real person outside the employ of FASA and Catalyst Game Labs.

See also[edit]