MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries/Leg Breaker

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Free Rasalhague Republic Contract – Capture[edit]

The FRR is searching for the right unit for this delicate mission. A small FRR unit, led by a misguided and mentally disturbed commander has taken a small unit of ‘Mechs into the field on Rasalhague and has refused all orders to return to base. The current bounty of 600,000 C-Bills will be offered to any mercenary who can bring the unit’s commander in alive. The Republic will pay for all reasonable ammunition expenses.

ComStar Contract Evaluation[edit]

  • World: Rasalhague
  • Duty: Capture
  • Begin Date: February 1, 3047
  • End Date: March 1, 3047
  • Maximum Pay: 600,000 C-Bills plus bounty
  • Minimum Pay: Bounty


MechWarrior’s Campaign Journal[edit]

February 26, 3047[edit]

So old Cottingham has gone off his nut. I’ve heard a lot about him. I guess he was quite a MechWarrior in his younger days. Well, I guess we all get put out to pasture sooner or later. I just want to make sure that when it’s my time, I’ve put enough away to live in style. Still, it doesn’t seem fair to “make an example of someone who spent all of his life fighting for you.

March 4, 3047[edit]

We’re in orbit off Rasalhague and just about to touch down. I hate the feeling of uncertainty that hits me just before we get into battle. When I power up, I feel like a god. I am immortal. Here, waiting in the DropShip, I’m just another insignificant insect. Maybe that’s what Cottingham felt when they took away his ‘Mech.

Mercenary Briefing – Free Rasalhague Republic[edit]

Sarah Carpenter, FRR Director of Military Affairs: Commander Jeremy Cottingham, one of our most trusted officers, recently suffered a nervous breakdown on the verge of his retirement. He has stolen his own ‘Mech and escaped to the Rasalhague wilds. He must be captured with a minimum of publicity.

Carpenter: When you have located Commander Cottingham, immobilize him by destroying one of his ‘Mech’s legs. We want him taken alive so he can be made an example. Destroy any members of his former unit who have joined his mutiny.

Carpenter: We would normally never use mercenaries for such a delicate mission, but none of the KungsArmé will face Cottingham, a much decorated war hero.

  • Codename: Leg Breaker
  • Planet: Rasalhague
  • Terrain: Frozen Wastes
  • Time: Evening
  • Expected Resistance: Commander Jeremy Cottingham and his unit
  • Your Call-Sign: Bounty

Carpenter: Find Commander Cottingham and disable his ‘Mech. Destroy all other enemies.


  • Target: Commander Cottingham



Sarah Carpenter, FRR Director of Mercenary Affairs: You successfully immobilized Commander Cottingham and destroyed the traitors who followed him when he left. Commander Cottingham’s punishment, I am sure, will discourage any others from taking such a suicidal course. We also appreciate your tact. We will inform our warriors of Cottingham’s fate, but the FRR will not be dragged through the press.