Michael O'Connor

Michael O'Connor
AffiliationDraconis Combine

Michael O'Connor was the commanding officer of the Second and Fifth Rasalhague Regulars in 2835.[1]


Sho-sho O'Connor, commanding the Second and Fifth Rasalhague Regulars, raided the Lyran Commonwealth world of Kobe in June 2835. Facing off against the Fourth Royal Guards and Thirteenth Arcturan Guards, O'Connor's troops were isolated from their DropShips but used their lighter armor and more mobile BattleMechs to avoid any pitched engagements. O'Connor's Rasalhague Regulars managed to launch several rapid assaults against the Lyran forces, dealing disproportionate damage to the elite units before eventually withdrawing from the planet. O'Connor's outmaneuvering of his foes was honored for the rest of the 29th Century and the phrase "a Kobe dance" was created to refer to a light foe outmaneuvering a heavier, slower opponent.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Second Succession War, p. 44: "In the Manner of a Fantasy"
