Burrock Absorption

Revision as of 15:34, 16 May 2009 by Alkemita (talk | contribs)

The Burrock Absorption was a three-way conflict between Clans Blood Spirit, Burrock and Star Adder fought in 3059.

Although it was expected to be a straightforward Trial of Absorption between Clans Star Adder and Burrock, interference by Clan Blood Spirit turned the conflict into a larger struggle with ongoing repercussions for Clan Blood Spirit especially.

Origins of the Conflict

The immediate cause of the Burrock Absorption was the discovery, by Khan Cassius N'Buta of Clan Star Adder, of long-standing collusion between Clan Burrock and the Bandit Caste.

Absorption Call


First Moves


Enter Clan Blood Spirit


Outcome and Aftermath

