MechWarrior: Tactical Command/Butler Mission 6

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Mission 6


  • Capture the truck to free resistance members

Mission Description

Beckman: Twycross! Colonel Armstrong has our marching orders. As soon as he can bring the Century down for evacuation, we’ll be off to join Prince Victor in Twycross’ defense!

Holloway: Major. We’ve been monitoring the Voice of Butler. According to the latest transmission, the Jade Falcons are rounding up suspected resistance members. Several hundred civilians, so far.

Beckman: The Prince needs whatever assets we have left. Even if we could free them, it would change nothing here.

Holloway: But we have solid data. They’ve loaded the civilians into a convoy for transfer to an internment camp. Major! The will almost certainly be executed.

David: We have to do something!

Beckman: Mister Lee. You will monitor this channel. You will not participate. We have to bide our time until evacuation. Butler is lost. We aren’t going to do anything.

David: Then let me rephrase. I’m going to do something.

Beckman: Stand down, Lee! That’s an order!

Kendra: David’s ‘Mech is powering up. He’s really going out there.

Beckman: Arrest that man!

Kendra: Sorry, sir. He’s closed his hatch and is moving out.

Beckman: Lee! You are stealing a Commonwealth BattleMech! Return at once!

David: You want your ‘Mech back, help me free those prisoners.

Beckman: Damn you! Commander, establish a C3 uplink! Holloway, draw up a battle plan.

Holloway: Already have one. Commander, that convoy is guarded by several Clan heavy and assault ‘mechs. A frontal attack would be suicide. Your best chance is to draw the Clan forces away from the convoy using guerrilla tactics. Hit and fade. Draw units away and take them down one or two at a time.

Beckman: Make it happen. Save the equipment, even if you can’t save the man.

David: So nice to know that you care, Major!



  • Rescue the truck
  • Escape from the area

Holloway: I’ve identified several lightly defended field bases in the surrounding area. Attacking these targets should draw away forces guarding the prisoners.

Partisan: For the Commonwealth!

Clanner: This one is mine.

Radio Host: I have reports of new uprisings in Castle Rock. In New Haven. In Richmond… If you are going to hold us accountable for defending our homes, Jade Falcons, start building more prisons!

Clanner: One of our bases is under attack. I’m breaking to investigate.

Radio Host: This is the Voice of Butler. In case no one else has noticed, the resistance has help out here! At least one unit from Winfield’s Regiment has taken to the field. Let’s give them some support!

Tanker: I have two machines in the field! We are responding!

Partisan: Nice work!

Partisan: Yeah! Stick it to them, Winfield!

David: Check it, we have fans.

Clanner: A surprise attack!? I will respond to this!

Radio Host: So it appears that a Major Beckman is one of our listeners, and is the officer who ordered out this detachment. Thanks for listening, Major. Love to have you on the show!

Clanner: The enemy is mounting an offensive! I will blunt it!

Radio Host: It’s become apparent to me that these Clanners have great initial thrust, but no real stamina. I think there’s a pill for that these days.

David: Ouch. You know, this guy really ain’t so bad.

Revan: You fools! We have been deceived!

Kendra: Courtesy of Winfield Regiment, and Colonel Joshua Armstrong.

Holloway: The convoy is clear, Commander. Get your lance out of there.

Mission Success

  • Rescue the truck - SUCCEEDED
  • Escape from the area – 6,000,000 C-Bills