Cristabel Frontenac

Cristabel Frontenac
AffiliationOutworlds Alliance
ProfessionPolice Constable

Cristabel Frontenac was an itinerant MechWarrior in the Outworlds Alliance, active until partway through the 3060s.[1]


Born on Tellman IV, Cristabel was the fourth generation of her family to pilot a Gulon, taking the cockpit after her father died to a pirate raid. Inheriting his position in the local constabulary at the age of seventeen, she spent six years preparing for the return of her father's killers. When they finally did, she hunted down the 'Mech responsible for her father's death and killed the pilot in a duel, only to find that the pilot had not even participated in the first raid. This drove her into depression, and she left her position and her planet, wandering between remote worlds offering her protection.[1]


Cristabel piloted a Gulon SecurityMech.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 22, "Gulon SecurityMech"
