House MacDonnell

House MacDonnell
Family Profile
Title(s) Martial family
Died out 3014
Affiliation Free Worlds League

House MacDonnell are a martial family from the Free Worlds League.[1]


Noted for their proud tradition of patriotism and military service, generations of MacDonnells piloted the family BattleMech Aisling as spotters for the Free Worlds League Militia, "the eyes and ears of liberty" serving as their de facto family motto.[1]

House MacDonnell would make the ill-fated decision to side with Anton Marik during his attempted coup, with the family and its estate being bombed early in the conflict Captain-General Janos Marik loyalists, Patrik MacDonnell reportedly the only survivor.[1]

Known members of the family[edit]

Family Heirlooms and Holdings[edit]

The family had an estate and held the titles to a Locust BattleMech named Aisling.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 House Arano (The Aurigan Coalition), p. 40, Patrik MacDonnell profile
