Vasily Sandoval

Vasily Sandoval
Vasily Sandoval
AffiliationHouse Sandoval
RankField Marshal
Title(s)Duke of Robinson
Position(s)March Lord of the Draconis March[1]

Vasily Sandoval was the Federated Suns' Duke of Robinson and Field Marshal of the Draconis March.[1]


Vasily Sandoval studied at the New Avalon Military Academy despite showing little interest in the military. His instructors saw he was not a natural MechWarrior and it was only his sharp wit and near-photographic memory of geography and astrocartography that allowed him to barely graduate from the academy.[1]

Sandoval was given command of a lance of BattleMechs on Benet III when the War of Davion Succession broke out. The Draconis Combine invaded the system and, as all navigational satellites had been destroyed in the initial stages, the AFFS forces on-world almost immediately lost accurate positioning and relied on sometimes-incorrect survey maps. Sandoval thus became the nucleus of resistance forces by coordinating unit movements and locations in his head.[1]

Sandoval was evacuated from Benet and his skill was repeatedly used throughout the war as he moved up the chain of command. He anticipated enemy troop movements over the worlds he was familiar with and took part in the liberation efforts of nearly half of the Kurita-occupied worlds taken during the war. His brilliance and contributions to the Federated Suns was rewarded with the title and position of March Lord of the Draconis March.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Era Report: 2750, p. 74
