Adventure Architects
The Adventure Architects were a group of freelance writers for the gaming industry, formed in ca. 1984 and including, among others, Walter H. Hunt, his wife (probably Lisa Hunt, who is credited for contributions to The Fox's Teeth: Exploits of McKinnon's Raiders alongside Walter Hunt but credited separately from the Adventure Architects in the imprint for MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game), Richard K. Meyer, and Evan Jamieson (credited under Adventure Architects in the imprint for MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game). They worked for several companies in the industry including Mayfair, Iron Crown, and FASA.[1]
The group was often mentioned in the writing credits for BattleTech products with several names below the "Adventure Architects" header; in at least one case, namely the 1992 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, the Adventure Architects are credited without specifying individual authors.