Conestoga (JumpShip class)

This article is about the JumpShip design. For other uses, see Conestoga.
Conestoga Transport JumpShip
Production information
Manufacturer Boeing Interstellar[1]
Introduced 2310 [2]
Production Year 2310[3]
Use Merchant Transport
Colony Vessel
Cargo Vessel
Passenger Ship
Tech Base Inner Sphere (Primitive)
Technical specifications
Mass 700,000 tons [1]
Length 400 m [1]
Sail Diameter 1,097 m[1]
Fuel 5,000 tons [1]
Burn Rate 39.52 (per day)[1]
Safe Thrust 0.5 g
Top Thrust 1.0 g
Sail Integrity 5 [1]
KF Drive Integrity 21 [1]
LF Battery No [1]
Armor 240 tons of Primitive [1]
DropShip Capacity 6 (DropShuttles)[1]
Crew 32 officers
153 enlisted/non-rated
5 gunners
40 bay personnel
200-Second Class Passenger Quarters
10,000-20,000 (temporary) steerage-class passengers
Grav Decks 4 x 250 meter diameter[1]
Escape Pods/Life Boats 20 escape pods
40 life boats [1]
Heat Sinks 250 [1]
Structural Integrity 20 [1]
BV (2.0) 2,464 [1]


The Conestoga Transport JumpShip is among earliest of humanity's space going vessels that helped to colonize the stars, a simple but rugged design for short and long hauls between Terra and other systems. These ships were designed prior to the use of the Docking Collar, thus they needed convey cargo and passengers using small craft and the smaller predecessor of the modern DropShip, known as the Dropshuttle.

Boeing Interstellar's engineers had designed the vessel using the schematics of their proposed Cruiser class Warship which would be later launched 15 years after Conestoga first started operating between the stars in 2310. In synchronous with the ship, the Mingo-class DropShuttles were design to operate with these ships soon after they premiered five years later. These Conestoga were built with technology which would be termed "Primitive" in nature, would fade away as some these ancient vessels were used by the Major Periphery states to fend off the Star League during the Reunification War.

While gone extinct by 2600 in the Inner Sphere, a few examples of these ships would linger in the Deep Periphery into the thirtieth century, until the last functional examples would be scrapped.[1]


Designed principally as colonization vessel, the Conestoga was built with an eye for capacity and endurance. These 700,000 tons vessels were built for all occasions and capacities needed to settle new worlds and support the colonists.

The ship was designed to carry 200 2nd class passengers, however during large colony efforts the ship could house 10,000 steerage-class passengers for short hauls with well over 90,000 tons of cargo at the same time in the ship's vast cargo bays. These bays could also be fitted to carry additional fuel for the ship, as it did not initially feature a Jump Sail when it was first launched. There are four gravity decks for normal operations, however the ship can spin its entire hull to allow passengers to enjoy gravity.[1]

The Conestoga was armed with large array of then brand new Medium and Large Lasers for protection from meteors and used for anti-pirate protection. The weapons were arranged with pair of large lasers with Medium Lasers bow, front/left arcs and broadsides, while the remaining weapons rear facing weapons were reduced to a single Large Laser, with two Medium Lasers aft sides and aft itself.[1]

Due to the age of the design, it was fitted with 240 tons of Primitive armor, distributed towards more heavily to the front of the ship.[1]


  • Bay 1: Small Craft (8) - 4 Doors[1]
  • Bay 2: DropShuttle Bay (2) - 1 Door[1]
  • Bay 3: Dropshuttle Bay (2) - 1 Door[1]
  • Bay 6: Dropshuttle Bay (2) - 1 Door[1]
  • Bay 8: Cargo (47,828 tons) - 2 Doors[1]
  • Bay 9: Cargo (47,827 tons) - 2 Doors[1]
  • Bay 10: Cargo (47,827 tons) - 2 Doors[1]

Related Designs[edit]

  • Cruiser Class Warship - The Conestoga was based on the Cruiser design, which was waiting approval by Terran Alliance Navy for production.[4]

Design Notes[edit]

  • The ship is fitted with a primitive KF-Drive, which is limited to a 20 Light Year range.


  • The design does note that it does have Solar Sail, however can operate without it.
  • The ship is noted in the original description that can be seen as template for primitive JumpShips built during the Age of War era[1]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 Touring the Stars: Valencia, p. 13: "Conestoga Transport"
  2. MUL online date
  3. MUL online date for the Conestoga (JumpShip class)
  4. Touring the Stars: Valencia, p. 13
