Dragon's Blade: The Kurita Threat and Prefect Tormark

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Dragon's Blade: The Kurita Threat and Prefect Tormark was a non-fiction book by Signus Wainright, released prior to the appearance of the Dragon's Fury.[1]


Dragon's Blade, Wainright's first e-book, argued that Republic of the Sphere Prefect Katana Tormark was planning to revolt, backed by the Draconis Combine. The book found immediate success, becoming a bestseller, but also met initial skepticism. When Tormark rose up against the Republic, however, Wainright's reputation rose as well.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Age: 3135 PDA Journals, p. 4: "27 January 3135"
  2. Dark Age: 3135 PDA Journals, p. 14: "03 March 3135"
