Edwin Amis

Edwin Amis
Edwin Amis
AffiliationEridani Light Horse
RankLieutenant General[1]

Edwin Amis was an officer serving in the Eridani Light Horse during the thirty-first century.


Early Life[edit]

Amis was born on Landmark in the Taurian Concordat.[1]

The Light Horse[edit]

Amis was promoted to command of the Twenty-first Striker Regiment in 3039.[2]

Operation SERPENT[edit]

Colonel Amis was listed as "Missing-In-Action" during Operation SERPENT. Eveline Eicher, the Executive Officer of the Twenty-first Striker Regiment, assumed temporary command of the unit as a result.[3]

Amis was later recovered from a Clan Smoke Jaguar field hospital but with the death of Ariana Winston, Amis would take command of the entire brigade, thus turning Eicher's tenure as commanding officer of the unit into a permanent posting.[4]

Second Star League Defense Forces[edit]

As of 3067, Amis was still commanding the Eridani Light Horse from Fort Winston on Dieron, with Major Beverly Jana as his aide.[5][6]


At the start of Operation SERPENT, Edwin piloted an ON1-M Orion.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: ComStar, p. 90
  2. The Hunters, ch. 3
  3. Shadows of War, ch. 18
  4. Shadows of War, ch. 24
  5. Field Manual: Updates, p. 94
  6. Field Manual: Updates, p. 100
  7. The Hunters, ch. 8
