Faction Pack

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Faction Pack
Product information
Type Accessory
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published 2019
Content Clan Invasion Kickerstarter Mercenaries Kickstarter

The BattleTech Faction Pack is a collection of accessories available for purchase during both the Clan Invasion Kickerstarter and the Mercenaries Kickstarter. The collection depicted the insignia of one of the unlocked factions. Initially in both campaigns there were only a small number of designs that were available, but various stretch level goals expanded the range faction packs available.

During the Clan Invasion Kickerstarter, a Faction Pack was collection of a t-shirt, cloth patch and enamel lapel pin depicting the insignia of one of the unlocked factions. However in the Mercenaries Kickstarter it was changed to be 2 different packs that depicted the insignia of one of the unlocked factions. Faction Pack I was a collection of a Challenge Coin, Patch, and Lapel pin, where Faction Pack II was a collection of a Challenge Coin, Patch, Lapel Pin and a pair of laser-effect Dice