Hammer (Lindon's Battalion)

This article is about the MechWarrior. For other uses, see Hammer.

Also known asHammer Leader
Died3066 (?)
AffiliationLindon's Battalion

Hammer was the lance leader of the Lindon's Battalion mercenary unit on Styk.


While on Styk, Hammer and his lance were taking serious losses against Capellan Confederation forces. He gave Spectre lance coordinates to his position to help his lance with the opposing mechs.[1]


Depending on whether or not help Hammer Lance survives, they will appear to help Spectre or not at all:

(Honor Path)

"We are here for Spectre, but we are happy to help."

-- Hammer Leader to Officer Anderson about helping Spectre.

Should Spectre save Hammer Leader and his lance, they will return the favor in Styk – Peace Talks.

(Infamy Path)

"Alpha Secure. We lost Hammer Lance."

--Spectre informing Castle about Hammer Lance's loss.

Should Spectre arrive to late or let Hammer Leader and his lance die, they will not appear in Styk – Peace Talks.


  1. Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries, Styk Campaign
