Kanas Cobb

Kanas Cobb
AffiliationClan Hell's Horses
RankNova Commander

Nova Commander Kanas Cobb was a member of Clan Hell's Horses's Seventy-first Mechanized Cavalry Cluster, and Bloodnamed warrior of the Cobb Bloodhouse, during the Dark Age Era.[1]


While commanding a Nova in the Seventy-first Mechanized Cavalry Cluster, Kanas served under his own Genefather, Star Colonel Elliot Cobb. While both were skilled and respected MechWarriors, a rivalry grew between them, with each accusing the other of embarrassing their shared Bloodright. This resulted in Kanas vowing to outshine his genefather, and his many friends in the Cluster encouraging him to challenge Elliot for command, though he was not yet willing to do so.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 7, p. 13
