Lancaster (Individual Baron-class WarShip)

This article is about the WarShip. For other uses, see Lancaster.

Vessel Profile

The Lancaster was one of two Baron-class Star League Defense Force destroyers[1] that patrolled the New Mendham system on 31 December 2601. When a conflict between the Federated Suns' carrier WarShip Enterprise and the Draconis Combine's flagship, the modified Farragut-class Ryu, escalated into a full space battle at the zenith jump point, the destroyers were called in and moved to a position between the combatants.

However, the SLDF-controlled space station Prosperity and the destroyers Templeton and Lancaster could not prevent the situation from escalating further, reinforcements were called in in the form of two Aegis-class cruisers, the Patrick Henry and the Michael Collins. The two cruisers jumped right into the battle zone and immediately moved towards the Enterprise and the Ryu, respectively, launching boarding craft while Commodore Brubaker (from aboard Prosperity station) once again ordered the combatants to stand down.[2]

In response to this, the Ryu revealed that it was upgraded with a Lithium-Fusion Battery, powering up its Kearny-Fuchida Drive and jumping out of the system. The Patrick Henry opened fire on the Ryu with its autocannons but could not prevent the jump and subsequent destruction of several boarding craft near the Ryu.


The Lancaster only appears in the German-only novel En Passant. As a foreign-language product, this novel is not currently counted among the canonical BattleTech sources. It is an official BattleTech product though, and as such should be regarded as apocryphal.

By extension, information from this source—in this case, the Lancaster and its exploits—must be considered apocryphal as well.


  1. En Passant, p. 270
  2. En Passant, p. 304
