Lyda Marus

Lyda Marus
AffiliationFourth Republican Guards
ProfessionArmor Crew

Lyda Marus was a member of the Fourth Republican Guards.[1]


She followed Emperor William Baranov bid for power on Hall.

Her lance was involved in the last battle on Hall between elements of the Third Dismal Disinherited and Burton's Brigade that fought forces from the Fourth Oriente Hussars, the Stealthy Tigers and Fourth Republican Guards led by Emperor William Baranov himself. The battle took place in capital suburbs of South Harney while other AMC forces tried to capture hidden Word of Blake agents to discredit them.[1]

Combat Vehicle[edit]

She piloted a Warrior H-8 Attack Helicopter.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kings & Pawns Scenario p. 10-11 "SCENARIO 3: THE LION’S DEN"
