Talk:MechWarrior: Dark Age - Booster Pack

Product Name[edit]

This page (and many of the MechWarrior booster pages such as MechWarrior: Fire For Effect) need to be renamed to make it clear that the page regards the product specifically and not the miniature set/collection from which its miniatures were randomly chosen. This is something I will work on clarifying. (For an example of a collection (as opposed to a product) centered page, see MechWarrior:Dark Age Sets (Collections). For the gaming system portal see MechWarrior: Dark Age Collectable Miniatures Game.)

Something unique occurs for this particular product which seems suitable to document. The archived WizKids webpage will often label links to these products as "Boosters". Following the link will reveal explicit titles (which I will call web titles). Some titles include the term "Booster Pack" (e.g., Fire for Effect, Death from Above, Counterassault, Falcon's Prey, Age of Destruction, Firepower, Annihilation). Some just use the expansion name, so neither "Booster" nor "Booster Pack" (e.g., Liao Incursion, Domination, Vanguard, and Wolf Strike). This one, and this one alone, uses "Booster Box" in the web title. However, the product image itself shows "Booster Pack" emblazoned on the product face in a way that would be interpreted as a subtitle. So it appears that WizKids was either uncareful or inconsistent in their web titles for these products. I think it is proper to classify all of these as booster packs (lower-case emphasized) in terms of identity, but the question of product title/subtitle could be debated until/unless another source for identfying product titles is brought forth.

For consistency, I figure to use "Booster Pack" within the page names, but will allow the product titles in the infobox to reflect the titles as WizKids seems to have made them known. So this page title would be "MechWarrior: Dark Age Booster Pack" but the product title within hte article and info box would be "MechWarrior: Dark Age Booster Box". Thoughts or input on any of these points are welcome. --Dude RB (talk) 01:19, 30 June 2022 (EDT)

Some further updates (priamrily reserach notes). It appears that the individual WizKids products pages were not terribly consistent with the names of these products. Since my prior notes, I have found the following additional items
WizKids List Products/Releases Web Archive (
WizKids 2006 Product Catalog Web Archive (
WizKids 2004 Product Catalog Web Archive (
WizKids 2002 Product Catalog Web Archive (
In the latter catalogs/listings, WizKids simply called these products Starters and Boosters. In the 2002 catalog, the terms starter sets and booster packs are used. Also the printing on the packaging uses starter sets and booster pack. The terms 'starter sets' and 'booster packs' seem the most appropriate to use with 'starters' and 'boosters' being a close runner-up. --Dude RB (talk) 14:10, 7 May 2023 (EDT)