Weigel Armory and Munitions

Weigel Armory and Munitions
Corporation Profile
AffiliationRim Worlds Republic

Weigel Armory and Munitions was a Rim Worlds Republic BattleMech manufacturer.


Weigel Armory and Munitions was created by Stefan Gorienko as part of a broader effort to secretly expand the Rim Worlds Republic's military industry. Its three production lines could be converted to produce a wide variety of designs, but primarily built Rampages, Whitworths and Stingers due to these designs being staples of the Rim Worlds military. Weigel's factory was built half a kilometer underneath Kwangjong-ni's Lost Sea, which it used as both a power source and a way to disguise its heat signature. Off-world workers lived inside the plant full time, minimizing risk of word getting out. A series of tunnels connected the plant to the nearby Britton mountains, where the Republic's main planetary garrison was located. This allowed mechs and ammunition produced in the plant to be quietly added to Rim Worlds Army units prior to their rotation off world. These security measures allowed the plant to escape detection by the Star League Defense Force until the outbreak of the Amaris Civil War.[1]

Access to the factory on Kwangjong-ni was destroyed in 2767 by Republic holdouts during the Operation ALMARIC in order to keep the plant out of Lyran hands. This halted production of the Rampage BattleMech.[2][3][1]

Weigel's defunct factory was discovered by lostech prospectors in 3062. It was purchased and restored to function by Defiance Industries.[1]


Weigel Armory and Munitions had a manufacturing center on the following planet:


Components produced on Kwangjong-ni :[2][3]
Component Type
RMP-2G Rampage[3] Assault BattleMech
RMP-4G Rampage[3] Assault BattleMech
RMP-5G Rampage[2][3] Assault BattleMech
Whitworth[1] Medium BattleMech
Stinger[1] Light BattleMech
Stanwhich 850 Rampage[2]
Extralight Fusion Engine
AMC 340 XL Rampage[2]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
PanzerSlab Type 9 Rampage[2]
Communications System
Transcom Alpha Rampage[2]
Targeting-Tracking System
KBC Starsight Model 3 Rampage[2]
Medium Laser
Maxell DT Rampage[2]
Large Pulse Laser
Tronel XIII Rampage[2]
LB 10-X Autocannon
Lubalin Ballistics Rampage[2]
Jackson Dart Rampage[2]
Marklin Mini Rampage[2]
Zippo Mark X Rampage[2]
Anti-Missile System
Buzzsaw Rampage[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Shrapnel Issue 19, pp. 75-79: "Planet Digest: Kwangjong-ni"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Jihad Conspiracies: Interstellar Players 2, p. 128: "Produced Rampage 'Mech components"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Technical Readout: Succession Wars, p. 162: "RMP-5G Rampage"
