Dock Steward

Dock Steward
Born23 August 3097[1]
AffiliationNorthwind Highlanders

Dock Steward was a MechWarrior with the Republican Guards during the Dark Age Era.[1]


Steward had black hair and violet eyes and suffered from what was believed to be Bipolar disorder, which despite extensive treatment, increasingly impacted his ability to perform as a MechWarrior following the Blackout. Therefore despite his dedication and skills, he was at risk of being relived of duty by the Highlanders, due to his unreliability and unpredictability in combat.[1]


Dock Steward was known to have piloted a Warhammer IIC BattleMech, serial number IH7180-13E, nicknamed Lightshow. Initially a Clan Ice Hellion 'Mech, it was captured by Clan Hell's Horses during Operation ICE STORM, before joining the Horses' contribution to Stone's Coalition and the fighting on Mars. After the Word of Blake Jihad its MechWarrior brought the 'Mech with her when she joined the Republic of the Sphere.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 229
