MERCENARIES! is a Periphery-produced "independent" holovid series. Serving as an example of both the best and worst aspects of holovid production in the Periphery, while MERCENARIES! lacks the budget and arguably talent of similar Inner Sphere produced series such as Immortal Warrior, the show makes up for it with copious adult themes, profanity and graphic violence. The show's lead actor Brock Armstrong enjoys a cult following in the Aurigan Reach.[1]

A tie-in video game to MERCENARIES! was also produced, which sees the player manage a mercenary company in the Periphery. A copy this game was available in the Argo rec-room arcade.


Featured only in the apocryphal computer game BattleTech video game, the series MERCENARIES! is apocryphal as well.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 BattleTech video game - "Holovid Series: MERCENARIES!"
