Mikhail Polnach

Mikhail Polnach
Mikhail Polnach
ProfessionArena Gladiator


Mikhail Polnach was rumored to come from a fanatical neo-Blakist family, where he obtained both bionic implants and MechWarrior training. He operated in the Occupation Zones as muscle for smuggling operations until a failed assassination attempt on Lars Magnusson in 3136 forced him to flee. Despite being on the run, he made his way to Solaris VII where his brutality in and out of the arena earned him some notoriety. Looking like an outlaw and not afraid of using that to his advantage he can be found in taverns, betting houses, and less savory places around the Game World.[1][2]

While rumored to be on the run from a previous employer (perhaps the Genyosha, some speculate, given his 'Mech's name), it was the Rasalhague Dominion Watch who caught up with him in Xolara. Before they could kill or capture him, Abdoun Ricol arrived on scene, killed the Watch agents, and recruited Polnach into the Red Hunters.[1][2]




Polnach piloted an NSR-K3-M Night Stalker named Rogue Wave.[1][2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 416: "Mikhail Polnach"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Technical Readout: Dark Age, p. 54: "NSR-K3 Night Stalker"
