Pravina Albern

Pravina Albern
Pravina Albern
AffiliationHouse Albern
Title(s)Duchess of Loric[1]

Pravina Albern was a member of the ruling family of Loric and later the leader of the Yellow Sun Free Guild.[1]


Pravina was born on the planet Loric, member of the noble family which led the world... until Clan Wolf invaded the Lyran Commonwealth and Free Worlds League, creating the Wolf Empire. Stripped of her title and lands that had been in her family for generations, Pravina refused to be assigned at a civilian caste, and fled to the Clans' Free Guilds, which hadn't a so much rigid structure. As she was a savvy politician with a head for business, she used her skills and wealth to work her way high enough to create her own guild, the Yellow Sun Free Guild, which specialized in smuggling and gun-running operations, though the Wolves ignored her, though after the IlClan Trial, all Free Guilds became controlled, at least in theory, by the IlClan, she feared than her activities were uncovered.[2]

The 9 May 3152, a group of Free Guilds leaders, included Pravina, meet with Star Colonel Othar, offering him their help to solve the Empire's lack of defenders: they ofered to recruit a powerful militia from the lower castes in the name of the IlClan, but he refused, as he hadn't authority to a such radical measure, though he sent the proposal to Alaric ward. He ordered the Clan Wolf Watch to increase the scrutiny of the Guild's leaders, fearing their proposal was an excuse to return power to the nobles. As Pravina was a former noble, he may be right about his fears.[3]


Described as a worldly, no-nonsense woman, Pravina's intentions and goals were unknown: many theorized she wanted to use the Yellow Sun to prepare the liberation of Loric, others than she was using them to search her family members. But in any case, she kept a concealed knife to protect herself against those which dared to approach her too much, literally and figuratively.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Empire Alone, p. 97
  2. Empire Alone, p. 97
  3. Empire Alone, p. 72
  4. Empire Alone, p. 97
