Eric Salzman (Dynasty Guard)

Eric Salzman
AffiliationCapellan Confederation

Sang-shao Eric Salzman was listed as the commanding officer of the Dynasty Guard BattleMech regiment in 3062.[1] As of 3067, his former XO Jordan Weis had taken his position;[2] the fate of Eric Saltman was not mentioned.

The character Eric Salzman is a reference to Eric "Mendrugo" Salzman, a prominent BattleTech fan who would go on to become a BattleTech writer and coordinator of CGL's factchecking team.


  • According to an interview, author Loren Coleman asked Camille Klein for names of prominent House Liao fans when writing Field Manual: Capellan Confederation and Eric Salzman was one of the names she came back with, owing to his postings at He was rather surprised to find his name canonized as the head of the Dynasty Guard.
  • Regarding the fate of the Eric Salzman character, in the same interview he said: 'There's no real explanation for what happened, but my XO, Jordan Weiss, is now the CO. There was a mention in Field Manual: Updates that the Dynasty Guard had clashed with the Blackwind Lancers on Highspire. And their commander was Warner Doles, who had gotten himself canonized when he basically won an online fan auction. And so I said, "Oh no, Warner killed me!" And then Warner wrote this big long posting saying, "Yep, yep, we defeated you. Dragged you back to New Avalon in chains, and put you in a prison, And then the prison was crashed into by some 'Mechs during the fighting in 3067, during the Civil War, and the burning prison collapsed and killed him." My response was, "So wait, his last sight was of New Avalon in flames? Yep, that’s how he would have wanted to go out."' (It should be noted that all of this is pure non-canonical fanon.)


  1. Field Manual: Capellan Confederation, p. 56: "Dynasty Guard Unit Profile"
  2. Field Manual: Updates, p. 33: "CCAF Deployment Table" - 3067
