Melicien Tetro

Melicien Tetro
Born26 August 3112[1]
AffiliationNorthwind Highlanders

Melicien Tetro was a member of the Northwind Highlanders during the Dark Age.[1]


Milicin was born in Almach but moved to Northwind at an unknown time. She hailed from a military family and considered service for the Republic of the Sphere part of a genuine effort to earn her citizenship.

Her day job was as an AgroMech driver, but she doubled as a weekend warrior for the Northwind Planetary Militia to supplement her income.

The Blackout changed everything. Based on her aptitudes (particularly with missile and ballistic gunnery) she was activated full time in a support lance from the 1st Kearny Highlanders. Despite her combat skills she lacks initiative both on and off the battlefield, often relying on others to think for her.[1]


She piloted a LGB-7Q Longbow 'Mech named Black Cloud.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p.209 "Melicien Tetro"
