Berl (11th Wolf Guards)

AffiliationClan Wolf
ProfessionAerospace pilot

Berl was a Clan Wolf aerospace fighter pilot during Operation REVIVAL.[1]


Prior to the Battle of Tukayyid, Berl served in the Bravo Fighter Star of Trinary Fighter within the Eleventh Wolf Guards Cluster under Star Colonel John Ward.[1]

Berl was wounded during the fighting on Tukayyid.[1]

Aerospace Fighter[edit]

Berl piloted a Jagatai aerospace fighter.[1]


In Wolf Clan Sourcebook, Berl is listed as serving in the "Bravo Fighter Star" of Trinary Fighter. However, this appears to be a misprint as every pilot within the three Stars of Trinary Fighter is listed as serving in Bravo Star. Previous descriptions of Fighter Trinaries within the sourcebook lists the individual Stars as Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie for each Trinary. Berl is listed as serving in Bravo Star for this article as they are listed within the second Star.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 100: "Trinary Fighter"
