Stapleton's Iron Hand

Stapleton's Iron Hand
Formed 2986[1]
Disbanded Disbanded after the Fourth Succession War
Affiliation Capellan Confederation
Parent Command St. Ives Armored Cavalry

Stapleton's Iron Hand was a regiment in service to the Capellan Confederation up until the Fourth Succession War.


Chancellor Liao awarded Pavel Ridzik with command of the Stapleton's Iron Hand in 2991 for assisting him in gaining the Chancellorship.[1] The Colonel relinquished his command of the Prefectorate Guard, and transferred to his new command.

Fourth Succession War[edit]

During the Fourth Succession War, the unit took moderate casualties in the failed defense of Tikonov. During that fighting, they faced elements of the Sixth Crucis Lancers.[2] The remnants became later part of the Second Republic Guards.

During the Fourth Succession War Pavel Ridzik wanted to move Stapleton's Iron Hand up and use it as the core of a counterattack into the Federated Suns. This proved to be impossible.[3]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Stapleton's Iron Hand
Major Christopher Stapleton 29862991[1]
Colonel Pavel Ridzik 2991 – 3025[1]



Unit Emblem[edit]

Three blue diamonds impaled on a katana against white field.[1]

Composition History[edit]


Stapleton's Iron Hand (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[1]

Primary BattleMech unit. Consisting of primary Banshee and Centurion BattleMechs.[1]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Teng.[1]


Stapleton's Grenadiers (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 90: "Stapleton's Iron Hand Unit Profile"
  2. The Fourth Succession War Scenarios Volume One, p. 16
  3. Warrior: Riposte, p. 270
  4. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 88
