Victor Vogel

Victor Vogel
AffiliationVogel's Vandals[1]

Victor Vogel was the commander of the Vogel's Vandals pirate band operating during the final decades of the Third Succession War.[1]


Operating in Federated Suns space, following a wave of Black Inferno attacks in 3015 that left numerous farm worlds undefended, Vogel ordered his band to raid these worlds with abandon. His attacks prompted a Coalition of Farmers to pool their meager funds to hire the Nik's Cavaliers mercenary unit to fend them off, with Vogel encountering Jake Mason's unit during an ultimately unsuccessful raid for farm machinery on Keytesville. Retreating to his base-world of Macomb to prepare to enact vengeance against the farmers for hiring the Cavaliers, the mercenaries instead learned of Vogel's location and struck first, killing him and shattering the unity of the surviving Vandals as anticipated. Indicating Vogel was obsessed with the planet for some unknown reason, the survivors chose to flee the region, leaving the farmers free to work their fields in peace.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, "Picking up the Pieces"
