Nicholas Davout

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Nicholas Davout
AffiliationLa Grande Armée

Marshal Nicholas Davout (original last name unknown) was the founder and, at least through 3150, commanding officer of La Grande Armée. Obsessed with Napoleon and all things Napoleonic, he led several soldiers in deserting from the Dieudonné militia to form a Napoleon-themed mercenary unit, developing a paint scheme based in Napoleonic soldiers and organized the unit like it was an army of old. He took the last name of Napoleon's "Iron Marshal" Davout, a name he hoped to live up to.[1] He dreamed of turning the unit into a multiregiment army. In his first four years of operations, he developed a reputation for reliability and competence.[2]

Davout was a small man who kept himself neat and well-groomed, always with a moustache and goatee. He often included fragments of French in his speech.[3]

In 3150, he led La Grande Armée to victory against Bartlett's Boxers in defense of an excavation of the remains of the SLDF 295th BattleMech Division on Buffalo Meadows.[4] He personally led his Imperial Guard lance.[2]


  1. Requiem for a Blue Star, PDF p. 9, "Bonuses"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Requiem for a Blue Star, PDF p. 20, "Operation Knockdown"
  3. Requiem for a Blue Star, PDF p. 18, "Operation Knockdown"
  4. Requiem for a Blue Star, PDF p. 3, "2019 Worldwide Event Results"
