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About Me

I am not sure what came first for me, MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat Video Game or the BattleTech: The Animated Series, at this point I had no idea how important this universe I had just stumbled across would become. MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries came next and then a gap for a couple of years and then I found Technical Readout: 3050 Revised in my local comic shop (circa '98). At this point I realized that this universe was a tabletop game for the first time!

I found sourcing BattleTech books in the UK a slow and expensive process using my local (not very friendly) comic shop, it was about a decade before I discovered that said comic shop was situated five minutes walk from Ral Parthas european headquarters. MechCommander 2 and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries kept the torch burning until MechWarrior: Dark Age came out in 2002 and for the first time ever getting physical product became easy.

I have been working on Sarna since Feb 2007, I was promoted to Admin in November 2019 having contributed about 30,000 edits to the wiki at the time. I backed the 2018 Video Game (no. 23,284), the 2019 Clan Invasion crowdfunding campaign (no. 2,863) and Mercenaries (no. 24,871).

After accusing Catalyst Game Labs of mismanaging the IP in the wake of the collapse of BattleCorps in 2016 and release of the extremely shoddy Technical Readout: Succession Wars in 2017, I am incredibly happy to see that by 2019 CGL had not only reversed direction but with help from HBS and PGI had triggered what would become known as the "BattleTech Renaissance".

Let the good times roll.

Current Project Jobs

Project Battles

Updating Conflict infobox to Battle infobox


Awards Board

Founder's Consistent Service Award Founder's Superior Editor of the Year Award (2018)
Founder's Honorable Mention Award (2019) Founder's Honorable Mention Award (2012) Founder's Honorable Mention Award (2011)
Tireless Contributor Award, 1st ribbon Problem Solver Award, 1st ribbon Vandal Cop Award, 3rd ribbon
Direction Appreciated Award, 1st ribbon Casual Edit Award, 2nd ribbon All Purpose Award, 6th ribbon
Random Act of Appreciation Award, 3rd ribbon Edit Count (75,000) Time in Service (15 years)


General stuff

Quickly Create

Human Sphere searchable PDF map

Lifted from Volts page since he deleted everything.

  • PDF Maps made with Excel scatter chart and Rob Bovey's XY Chart Labeler Add-in, showing all identified systems as of February 2022. Maps are borderless so people can use them for whatever suits their fancy (would appreciate a shout-out to the SUCS in any case). Systems names use the SUCK convention (system names, including alternate names or name changes plus the year, instead of the more popular or Official Map names)