Malcolm Spence

Malcolm Spence
AffiliationWolf's Dragoons

MechWarrior Malcolm Spence was a member of Alpha Regiment of Wolf's Dragoons as of 3028.[1]


As of early 3028, Spence was a member of the Recon Lance, Laskowski's Company of Baker Battalion.[1]

While with Laskowski's Company, in September 3026 during the Dragoons' contract with the Draconis Combine, Spence participated in the Dragoons' raid on Barlow's End together with the Ryuken with the aim of capturing an experimental prototype weapon being developed at the Achernar Proving Grounds.

During this raid, on 1 October 3026, Spence had the night shift in the Dragoons' headquarters monitor hut watching various sensors for any possible Federated Suns attack. He was however drugged by a Combine agent under the orders of Jerry Akuma going by the name of "Kahn", who was pretending to be a friendly Ryuken MechWarrior, allowing another agent to successfully plant a bomb without detection which seriously injured Dragoons Major Kelly Yukinov and Ryuken commander Tai-Sa Minobu Tetsuhara.[1][2][3]

Following the Battle of Misery, where his 'Mech was damaged beyond repair, Spence joined the Medium Lance of Alpha Regiment's Third Provisional Company. He subsequently went on to fight with the Third Provisional on Glenmora, where he was ultimately killed.[1]


Malcolm Spence was known to initially pilot a Shadow Hawk BattleMech, which was damaged beyond repair on Misery. On Glenmora he fought in a Cicada.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Wolf's Dragoons, p. 51
  2. Wolf's Dragoons, p. 35
  3. Wolves on the Border, ch. 21
