Azrael Bekker

Azrael Bekker
AffiliationClan Ghost Bear
ProfessionGalaxy Commander[1]


Azrael Bekker was the commanding officer of Pi Galaxy between 3061 and 3067,[1][2] with Star Captain Joie serving as his aide.[1]

He commanded the Galaxy from the 23rd Provisional Garrison Cluster.[2] His Galaxy was understrength in terms of heavy BattleMechs, something that made it difficult for the Galaxy to achieve the victories that might perhaps be expected of a similar formation. Lacking a Bears Regular unit, Pi Galaxy depended on the Twenty-third Provisional Garrison Cluster to act as the Galaxy's main offensive force.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 98, "Pi Galaxy"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 78, "Pi Galaxy"
