Drift Shag (BattleMech)

This article is about the 30-ton BattleMech. For the carnivorous seabird, see Drift Shag (species).
Drift Shag (BattleMech)
Drift Shag
Production information
Manufacturer Hector MechWorks Facility Beta[1]
Production Year 2827[2]
Class Light
Cost 4,783,740 C-bills[2]
Technical specifications
'Mech type Clan BattleMech
Mass 30 tons
Chassis Hellion Light V5 Endo Steel[1]
Armor Compound Alpha Standard[1]
Engine 210 Fusion XL XL Engine[1]
Communications System Series VII[1]
Targeting Tracking System Integrated TTS[1]
Heat Sinks 11 Double heat sinks
Speed 118.8[1] km/h
Jump Jets Unknown[1]
BV (2.0) 1,512[1][2]


Named after the drift shag birds residing on Hector and the Ice Hellion founder Khan Stephan Cage, the Drift Shag was the first Hellion ’Mech built entirely with Clan technology though it used the Falcon as inspiration. It was ordered into production by Khan Mia Taney following the reaving of saKhan Lucius Moore and his cohort. Never a very common design, the Drift Shag would still serve within the touman for centuries, even appearing in the Inner Sphere.[1]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The Drift Shag uses an endo steel chassis, and XL engine to save weight. Six jump jets have been mounted in the right and left torso, which allows the Drift Shag to cover 180 meters per jump. Double heat sinks can dissipate a good deal of heat, but overzealous MechWarriors can still quickly overheat their machines. With its speed and concentration of short-range weapons the Drift Shag fit nicely into the Ice Hellion views on zellbrigen among light ’Mechs.[1]

Design Quirks[edit]

The Drift Shag has the following Design Quirks:[1]

Related Designs[edit]

Notable Pilots[edit]

See Category:Notable Drift Shag Pilots


The Drift Shag was erroneously listed as having no Jump Jets in the TRO entry. No corrected version has been issued thus far.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Technical Readout: Golden Century, pp. 12–13: "Drift Shag"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 MUL online date for the Drift Shag (BattleMech)
