1st Muskegon Capellan March Militia

Capellan March Militia -Brigade logo.png
First Muskegon Capellan March Militia
Affiliation Federated Suns
Parent Command Capellan March Militia


On 30 May 3070, Muskegon had raised the First Muskegon Capellan March Militia, a volunteer combined arms regiment raised by the locals, and was preparing it to leave the world for deployment against the Word of Blake elsewhere.

A Word of Blake special operations team led by Raul Tinker arrived to the planet in order to stop that. The Word of Blake team started to wage a war of terror to tie the militia down. Over the next months they carry out sabotage and terror acts including subway bombings, sabotaging large bridges, cutting the world's third-largest city off by destroying all six of its large traffic bridges and both underwater cable shunts, and destroying aerospace fighters on the ground. Four BattleMechs smuggled to Muskegon add a military dimension to the threat as they are used to execute false flag attacks in the name of the Capellan Confederation. While this indeed raises security concerns and forces General Hanks to deploy his militia forces for security, ultimately the base of operations for the Word of Blake forces is found out (implicitly with the help of intelligence analyst Francis Lyman on Markesan, who is specifically hunting for Raul Tinker since the events on Bryant) and overrun, ending the threat. The militia subsequently prepares to leave the world and join the battle against the Word of Blake with great fanfare.

With most of his forces destroyed, the WoB resorts to using the nuclear weapons after all, after having previously tried to keep civilian casualties as low as possible for a credible terror campaign. They manage to exchange an ammunition crate aboard a DropShip for one containing a pack-nuke and Adept Kilrain, who volunteered for the suicide mission. At the jump point Kilrain sets off the bomb to devastating effect, reportely killing two thirds of the militia regiment and destroying a JumpShip and several DropShips, though General Hanks survived.

This action stops the deployment of the unit during the Jihad.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the First Muskegon Capellan March Militia
General Hanks 3070[1]



Composition History[edit]


A combined arms regiment.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Desperate Measures
