Hansen (Clan Jade Falcon)

AffiliationClan Jade Falcon[1]
RankStar Captain[1]

Star Captain Hansen was a Trinary commander in the Jade Falcon Eyrie Cluster in the late 3050s.[1]


Hansen was a cadet assigned to the Falcon Eyrie on Baker 3. Sometime prior to 9 October 3057, Hansen asked a superior officer to couple, and was assigned to a second-line BattleMech as punishment. When Clan Wolf attacked the world as part of the Refusal War, Hansen engaged skillfully employed high speed and long range to achieve three kills before damage to her ER PPC forced a retreat. She was one of only three members of the Eyrie to survive the battle. For this performance Khan Marthe Pryde declared the battle would serve as her Trial of Position, which granted Hansen the rank of Star Captain. Though entitled to an OmniMech, she elected to retain her Devil and set about helping to rebuild the Eyrie. A mere five months later her Trinary participated in the Battle of Coventry.[1]


Hansen piloted a Devil.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 8, p. 6: "Devil"
