Kingdom of Surev

Kingdom of Surev
State Profile
Controlled system(s): 0
Head of State King Angelo Tamik[1]

The Kindgom of Surev was one of the Pentagon Powers, a collection of warlord states living in the ruins of the Star League in Exile. The Kingdom occupied a portion of Arcadia's eastern continent.[2]


The Kingdom of Surev was patterned off the Capellan Confederation, but unlike the nearby Democratic Republic of Rand emphasized the Russian-speaking culture of Tikonov.[2] Self-styled King of Surev Angelo Tamik assembled a coalition of warlords through threats, bribery and making promises, but the resulting society was effectively hollowed out as Tamik was forced to harshly tax the farmers and nomads of his state in order to have enough resources to bribe his subordinates into line.[1]

As Clans Blood Spirit and Steel Viper descended on Surev's neighbours in Rand, the Kingdom had taken the opportunity to help finish off their wounded rival alongside the forces of Helgren County. Tamik attempted to threaten and then to bribe the clans into peace with his nation, but they refused any offer except Surev's total surrender.[3]

As the Blood Spirits invaded Surev one of Tamik's trusted lieutenants launched a coup, killing the King and his entire cabinet. The lieutenant attempted to name themselves king but was murdered by their rivals, leading Surev to disintegrate almost overnight. The Blood Spirits, instead of facing Surev, found themselves subduing the various warlords left over from its collapse, allowing them to quickly roll over it and advance into Helgren County.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 59: "Kingdom Gone"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Historical: Operation Klondike, p. 58: "East Arcadia"
  3. Historical: Operation Klondike, pp. 58-59: "Honor and Principle"
