Silent Plans

Silent Plans
Short story by Daniel Isberner
Silent Plans cover
Published12 December 2023
Published inShrapnel Issue 15
PublisherCatalyst Game Labs
illustrator(s)Jared Blando
EraJihad era
Timeline30 October 3068 — 1 March 3069

Silent Plans is a short story by Daniel Isberner that was published in the fifteenth issue of Shrapnel.

Plot Summary[edit]

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  • In a post on his German BattleTech website (""), Daniel Isberner explained in more detail that Silent Plans is the long-awaited conclusion to his apocryphal German novel Gejagt from 2014, which tells the story of the Silent Reapers.[1] It was previously announced that an English translation of the novel is forthcoming.[2]

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  1. [1], Daniel Isberner's posting about the short story (in German)
  2. Shrapnel Issue 08: "Commander's Call"