Evangeline Clarke

Evangeline Clarke
Also known asThe Blood Angel,[1] "Angel"[2]
AffiliationClan Diamond Shark
RankGalaxy Commander

Evangeline Clarke was a trueborn member of the Bloodhouse Clarke, and Clan Diamond Shark in the 3060s.


Commander of Rho Spina Galaxy from at least 3061 to 3067, Galaxy Commander Evangeline Clarke was unforgiving of the unBlooded, those who fail to earn a Bloodname, and freeborn warriors. She did not accept Trials from those who did not hold a Bloodname and was willing to abort any action that forced her to engage such a warrior. During one such Trial of Possession against Clan Star Adder, she withdrew rather than face the lone-remaining un-Bloodnamed warrior, only to return a month later at the head of a hand-picked, elite, and Bloodnamed Trinary. She then gained the outpost objective of the Trial and, in an act of spite, the genetic legacy of the commander that had sent the un-Bloodnamed to face her. Her record of kills of Bloodnamed warriors was noted as impressive.[1]

Her personal Cluster, Opal Skate, had no freeborn warriors, though she was forced by necessity to accept those who had yet to partake in a Trial of Bloodright. Any failed attempt, though, resulted in their immediate transfer to another unit.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 72
  2. Field Manual: Updates, 77
