
AffiliationClan Diamond Shark;
Dark Caste
Position(s)Bandit Sect Leader

Varsus was a Dark Caste member.[1]


Varsus was the freeborn of two Clan Diamond Shark Merchant Caste members.

His family was captured in a Dark Caste band and forced to serve with them. He lost his parents in a bad deal, getting also captured by a bigger Dark Caste band, where he escalated positions during the years.

When he was around thirty, he was commanding his own part of the band and making inroads in black deals in Katyusha City and also Clan Burrock-aligned bandits. Shortly after this, and after escaping capture several times, he was identified by the Clans. From then, he has never traveled alone.

When Clan Burrock dealings with the Dark Caste where identified, and Clan Burrock was Absorbed by Clan Star Adder, his connections where exposed and he had to hide for a year, only resurfacing when the preparations of Operation REVIVAL distracted the Clans from the Dark Caste operations. The Inner Sphere destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar made his profits skyrocket, and they were made better when the other Clans started to fight between them after that, but less than a year later, with the fights slowing down, his profits started to decrease.[1]

He conspired in 3062 with the commanding officer of the Katyusha Keshik, Star Colonel Bispham, and Inner Sphere ambassador Kapten Oystein Tannerbaum to strike a blow into Strana Mechty and inflame the tensions to restart the war between the Clans and the Inner Sphere just one year after the Great Refusal, which would have improved his profits again. The plan failed prior to setting a bomb against the Master Genetic Repository. Star Colonel Bispham was stopped by a group of Clan members and detained by the Ebon Keshik, though he and Tannerbaum escaped.[2]

After the bombing's failure, he and Oystein Tannerbaum struck a deal that would allow Tannerbaum to be smuggled back to the Inner Sphere and try to vanish there, while Varsus would have new opportunities for wealth and power and the two would take a small force of bandit ships to the Inner Sphere in a six month journey.[3]

Nothing is known on him afterwards.[citation needed]


Another Dark Caste leader, Brant, was known to be his enemy, as well as Dark Caste merchant named Ari and Eniko.

Larren was an ally of his.


  1. 1.0 1.1 MechWarrior's Guide to the Clans, pp. 138–139: "Varsus"
  2. MechWarrior's Guide to the Clans, p. 134: "The Katyusha Keshik"
  3. MechWarrior's Guide to the Clans, p. 128: "The Escape"
