Battle Hawk

Battle Hawk
Battle Hawk
Production information
Manufacturer Defiance Industries[1]
Production Year 3053[2]
Model BH-K305[1]
Class Light
Cost 3,689,140 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Inner Sphere BattleMech
Mass 30 tons
Chassis Maltex 40
Armor Paulina Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Engine GM 150 XL
Communications System TharHes Thalia HM-22
Targeting Tracking System TharHes Ares-5B
Heat Sinks 11 double
Speed 86 km/h
Jump Jets Luxor 2/Q
BV (1.0) 710[3]
BV (2.0) 771[1][4]


The Battle Hawk was originally designed and built at a time when Defiance Industries felt threatened by the large amount of equipment being produced by, and imported from, the Free Worlds League; it was built to prove that Defiance Industries was still an industry leader in BattleMechs. This came from a 'Mech that, while slow for its weight class, is a force to be reckoned with on the modern battlefield. The Battle Hawk has a top speed of 86.4 km/h, which puts it on par with 'Mechs 15 to 20 tons heavier than itself, but it also carries a powerful arsenal for its size. Its five and a half tons of armor give it good protection for a light 'Mech. Additionally, to make the Battle Hawk more maneuverable on the battlefield, it can jump up to 150 meters.

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The Battle Hawk is armed with a powerful short-ranged arsenal consisting of a trio of Defiance P5M medium pulse lasers, that provide the Battle Hawk with an accurate and renewable primary weapon, while it's secondary weapon is that of a Hovertec Streak SRM-2 which will seek out cracks in an enemy's armor. Finally, the 'Mech mounts a McArthur anti-missile system that grants the Battle Hawk a degree of protection from missile attacks.[1]


Design Quirks[edit]

The Battle Hawk has the following Design Quirk:[6][7]

Notable Pilots[edit]

See Category:Notable Battle Hawk Pilots


  • Author Blaine Lee Pardoe stated in a blog entry that, according to his memory which he admitted could be wrong, the Battle Hawk was among the BattleMechs which he designed and for which he wrote the original background as initially published in TRO:3055.
  • In German products, the unit's proper name was translated to Kampffalke. The model code was accordingly changed to KM-K305.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, pp. 96–97: "BH-K305 Battle Hawk"
  2. MUL online date for the Battle Hawk
  3. Combat Operations, p. 131
  4. Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p. 16
  5. Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p. 17
  6. BattleMech Manual, Fourth Printing, p. 90: "BattleMech Quirk Table"
  7. BattleMech Manual Errata (Version 6.01), p. 9: "BattleMech Quirk Table"
