Katheryn Sandoval

Katheryn Sandoval
Also known asKatheryn Sandoval-Ito
Died7 January 3078[1]
AffiliationHouse Sandoval
ParentsAaron Sandoval (father)
SiblingsJames Sandoval
David Sandoval
Talbot Sandoval
Jessica Sandoval

Katheryn Sandoval was a Federated Suns noblewoman and daughter of Duke Aaron Sandoval.[3]


Considered a rogue by the rest of the family for her habit of disappearing to wild parties on paradise worlds, Katheryn burned out on her wild behavior and sought meaning in her life through military service. After setting herself this task, she relentlessly established her own merits and ultimately assumed command of the Draconis March Militia by 3050. Katheryn would come to be known as a charismatic commander and kept the units of the DMM busy with constant inspections.[4][2]


Sometime during the Word of Blake Jihad, Katheryn was promoted to AFFS Marshal. She led Federated Suns forces as they resisted the Jihad in Operation SCOUR.[5] While leading the invasion operation to liberate Acamar from its status as a Blakist Protectorate in January 3078, she fell in battle on the 7th of January, her Devastator BattleMech swarmed by Word of Blake Purifier and Se'irim battle armor until it fell.[1] She was succeeded as Marshal by Jon Davion.[citation needed]


Sandoval-Ito was known to pilot a Devastator BattleMech.[1][2]


Shame she won't inherit the Draconis March. We could use a good leader.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 71-72, "And A Davion To Lead Us All"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 BattleTech: Mercenaries, Katheryn Sandoval-Ito Pilot Card
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p.135 - Draconis March Militia Profile
  4. Field Manual: Federated Suns, p.119 - Draconis March Militia Profile
  5. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 58, "The Jihad in Review"
