Precentor Who Lost His Name


A well-known cautionary tale within the pre–Clan Invasion ComStar, the so-called Precentor Who Lost His Name was a Com Guard officer who accidentally sent unmodified Star League era technology to the Draconis Combine as part of Operation ROSEBUD.[1]


The former commander of the Twelfth Division,[2] this Precentor was stationed within the Draconis Combine as part of Primus Myndo Waterly's agreement with Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita, the deployment of the Com Guards to that realm's HPG stations intended to mask the transfer of equipment from ComStar's caches of Star League Defense Force matériel to the Combine in return for sponsoring the creation of the future Free Rasalhague Republic. Primus Waterly's intention was that the matériel the Combine received was to be stripped as much as possible of advanced equipment, but in the shipment of equipment to the Twelfth Division the unit's CO unintentionally assigned a number of advanced 'Mechs instead intended for the Com Guard forces, including at least one BLR-2C BattleMaster, to the Combine.[1]

While the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery passed the matter off as a fortunate oversight by some anonymous ComStar clerk, the Twelfth Division's CO found himself under investigation for his mistake, ComStar rightly concerned the Combine would attempt to reverse engineer at least some of the technology. Though proven to be an unintentional mistake rather than an intentional attempt to leak Star League technology to the Combine, ComStar would strip the Precentor of his rank, name and even his identity. As of 3049 the Precentor overseeing the production of Technical Readout: 3050 for the ComStar Archives Merle Jimmus would reiterate that the Precentor Who Lost His Name had been reduced to the rank of Acolyte and was undergoing personality modification and reeducation on Terra.[1] [2]

In the wake of the Battle of Tukayyid rumors arose that Acolyte Herman Schtiles was the new identity of the Precentor Who Lost His Name, a way of explaining the command abilities unexpected from a green Acoylte and intimate knowledge of the Twelfth Division's tactics that allowed Schtiles to take charge after the senior officers of his Level III fell in battle and ensure the success of the ambush of Seventh Bear Guards in Holth Forest, reportedly seeking redemption for his grievous error under his new identity.[2]


In line with Precentor Dieron Sharilar Mori secretly using Operation ROSEBUD to leak some advanced technology to the Combine and the fact the Precentor Who Lost His Name was not killed implies he was likely an unwitting patsy for Mori's scheme.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: 3050, p. 192: "BattleMaster"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 BattleTech ComStar Battle Level II, Herman Schtiles pilot card
