Gavril Mikino

Gavril Mikino
AffiliationEbon Keshik
RankStar Colonel[1]

Gavril Mikino was the commanding officer of the Ebon Keshik as of 3071.[1]


Star Colonel Gavril Mikino commanded the Ebon Keshik by the time that Star Captain Bhu Telinov was assigned commander of the unit's Watch operations following Clan Wolf's theft of their genetic legacies from Strana Mechty. Like most of the Ebon Keshik's warriors, Mikino was an Elemental and was dubious that the non-Elemental Telinov would be useful for Keshik activities.[1] Despite this, Telinov remained with the Ebon Keshik following the Wars of Reaving and discovered the true identity of the Dark Caste leader known as The Winter Lady, with Mikino authorizing an operation to arrest both her and her chief enforcer on 26 August 3075.[2] Unbeknownst to the Ebon Keshik officers, the Winter Lady's enforcer was actually a disguised Garmen Kerensky, who utilized his deep cover Wolf Elementals and highly-trained combat skills to escape the Katyusha Keshik troops sent to arrest the two. Furious that the two fugitives had so handily evaded Clan justice, Mikino ordered Telinov and her team to find the Dark Caste leaders expeditiously.[3]

When Garmen Kerensky's Wolf warriors and Dark Caste operatives attacked Katyusha City on 5 April 3076 as part of a larger plot to remove Aleksandr Kerensky's body from the Clan Homeworlds, Star Colonel Mikino was absent from the Ebon Keshik headquarters building, leaving Star Captain Telinov in control of the agency's response.[4] Only returning to his HQ after Garmen's BattleMech forces, the so-called "Retribution Wraiths", were killed by the Adder Command Keshik, Mikino and the accompanying ilKhan Hannibal Banacek were informed that the McKenna's Pride had been hijacked under the cover of the assault and once more left the Ebon Keshik HQ after damage to the CSA Absolute Truth nullified the Grand Council's in-system WarShip assets.[5] While not present in the Ebon Keshik's command center for the next two days, Mikino's efforts at acquiring two Mobile HQs allowed his agency to overcome the damage done to Katyusha City's communications infrastructure during the Retribution Wraith's earlier assault.[6]

Liaising with Clan Goliath Scorpion Khan Ariel Suvorov on 8 April, Star Colonel Mikino and Star Captain Telinov were successful in requisitioning the use of the CGS Lei Kung for ambushing the hijacked Pride before it could exit the system.[7] Unfortunately, the Wolf rogues and their Dark Caste allies managed to escape at the last instant by utilizing risky K-F Drive maneuvering, necessitating the use of a cover up operation to hide the truth of Aleksandr Kerensky's whereabouts from the rest of the Homeworld Clans. Under orders from the ilKhan, Mikino's Ebon Keshik began a plot to replace the missing body with the corpse of the Retribution Wraith's leader, hiding the Grand Council's major moral defeat and loss of face from the citizens of the Homeworlds.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Icons of War, ch. 4
  2. Icons of War, ch. 14
  3. Icons of War, ch. 16
  4. Icons of War, ch. 23
  5. Icons of War, chs. 37, 39
  6. Icons of War, ch. 43
  7. Icons of War, ch. 45
  8. Icons of War, ch. 49
