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Multi-Missile Launcher 7
Production information
Type Missile
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Year Availability 3068
Technical specifications
Heat 4
Damage 1 or 2 per missile
Minimum Range 0/6
Short Range 3/7
Medium Range 6/14
Long Range 9/21
Tons 4.5
Critical Slots 4
Ammo Per Ton 14/17
Cost (unloaded) 105,000
Ammo Cost (per ton) 27,000/30,000
BV (1.0) N/A
BV (2.0) 67


The Multi-Missile Launcher is capable of firing both short-range missiles and long-range missiles, including any special munitions designed for them, as well as using the Artemis IV fire control system. Originally designed by members of the Battle Magic mercenary unit in 3067, the MML helps simplify logistical needs of cash-strapped mercenaries, while simultaneously allowing them to take maximum advantage of special munitions. The Word of Blake put the technology to use after their assault of Outreach in 3067, though most Inner Sphere powers have since reverse engineered the technology.[1]

The MML-7 fires seven missiles at a time, be they short-range or long-range.

Ammo Type Minimum Short Medium Long Damage Ammo/Ton Ammo Cost
SRM 0 1-3 4-6 7-9 2/missile 14 27,000
LRM 6 1-7 8-14 15-21 1/missile 17 30,000



Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Wallis Ronin Incorporated Tufana [2]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Orestes Odin Manufacturing Shadow Hawk [3]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Calloway VI Earthwerks Incorporated Bardiche [4]
Keystone Earthwerks Incorporated Bardiche [4]


  1. TechManual, p. 229: "Weapons and Heavy Equipment - Missile Launchers - Multi-Missile Launchers (MMLS)"
  2. Technical Readout: 3085, p. 20
  3. Technical Readout: Jihad, p. 122
  4. 4.0 4.1 Technical Readout: 3145 Marik, p.18
