4th Dieron Regulars

Fourth Dieron Regulars
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command Dieron Regulars

The Fourth Dieron Regulars was a twenty-eighth century Draconis Combine brigade.[1]



The Fourth Dieron Regulars can claim a heritage that goes back to the Alliance of Galedon and an equally ancient proto-state: the Dieron Federation. One of many twenty-fourth century proto-states in the region of space that in later centuries became known as the Draconis Combine, the Dieron Federation was persuaded to become a part of the Alliance of Galedon in 2310 by Shiro Kurita. As a part of the Alliance, the worlds of the Dieron Federation were required to provide a tithe of people from their population to New Samarkand for military training and indoctrination, with the first draft consisting of some three thousand men and women.[1]

The Alliance's control over the Dieron Federation fluctuated in the early years, as many became aware that they had been duped by Shiro Kurita, and Shiro was required to put down rebellions on a number of worlds, something that he was quite willing to do, invading those systems that attempted to secede and executing their planetary leaders. Dieron broke free in 2316 when the newly-appointed Director-General of the Terran Hegemony began expanding Terran influence once more; enticed by the combination of gentle diplomacy and implicit military threat, Dieron joined the Hegemony, a foe that Shiro was unable to oppose through military strength at the time. Undaunted, Shiro laid the groundwork for reclaiming Dieron by keeping the services of the brigade of Dieron natives who remained steadfastly loyal to House Kurita in his armed forces and retaining the name of the Dieron Regulars as part of the implicit promise that Dieron would once again be a part of the Kuritan state.[1]

Active during the Star League era, five regiments of Dieron Regulars - including the Fourth - occupied a privileged place within the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery. Portrayed in the Combine media as "exiles waiting for the change to go home", the Dieron Regulars spent their time divided between postings in the Benjamin Military District, moving back and forth between worlds in the interior of the District and worlds on the border with the Hegemony. Recruitment into the Dieron Regulars was weighted, with first priority given to Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy or Dieron Warriors' Academy graduates descended from members of the original Dieron draft, second priority to other personnel who could claim a lineage back to that same draft, third priority to those recruited from worlds close to Dieron and finally those recruited from other worlds within the Benjamin Military District. As of 2765 all of the 'Mech regimental commanders within the Dieron Regulars were both Sun Zhang graduates and descendants of the Dieron draft. As with the other Dieron Regiments, the Fourth Dieron Regulars was the centerpiece of a brigade consisting of a 'Mech regiment, three medium armor regiments, three infantry regiments and up to four independent artillery regiments.[1]

First Succession War[edit]

Just prior to the war the unit was stationed on Mara.[1] The Fourth was a casualty of the First Succession War; one of seven regiments within the Dieron Regulars brigade to be destroyed during the war, the Fourth no longer existed by the end of the war in 2821.[2]

Dark Age Era[edit]

The Fourth was reconstituted when the Dieron Military District was officially reborn in 3135. The Fourth was at the lowest strength of the four regiments of Dieron Regulars at the time, due to facing off against the Third Federated Suns Armored Cavalry. Among the losses were much of its equipment and their Commander, who was replaced with an armor officer causing much fiction. [3]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 4th Dieron Regulars
Tai-sa Gerald Nixon 3145-3149[4][5][6]


During the Star League era the Dieron Regulars battalions were frequently guests of the various planetary governors of worlds close to the border between the Hegemony and the Combine, and all of the senior staff were thoroughly trained in both diplomacy and protocol.[1]


During the Star League era the Fourth was considered to be a well-trained military force, but the Fourth's command staff had a tendency to waste their infantry and armor forces on feints or security missions.[1]

Composition History[edit]


  • Fourth Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical)[1]
  • BattleMech regiment
  • Three medium armor regiments
  • Three infantry regiments
  • Up to four independent artillery regiments
Note: At this point in time the Regulars were stationed on Mara.[1]


  • Fourth Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[2]
- At this point in time the Fourth was a light-weight regiment operating at full strength and was stationed on Mara.[2] The unit was destroyed during the war. [2]


  • Fourth Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Green/Reliable)[4]
  • CO: Tai-sa Gerald Nixon
  • Fourth Dieron Aerospace Wing (Regular/Questionable)[4]
  • Murchison Heavy Armor (Regular/Reliable)[4]
  • Fifth Murchison Infantry (Regular/Reliable)[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Field Report 2765: DCMS, p. 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 First Succession War, p. 137, "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)"
  3. Field Manual: 3145, p. 53, "Fourth Dieron Regulars"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 64, "DCMS Deployment Table - 3145"
  5. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 19, p. 13
  6. Shattered Fortress, p. 66
