Carter's Chevaliers

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Carter's Chevaliers
Formed Unknown but prior to 3026
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent

Carter's Chevaliers were a mercenary unit of unspecified size and composition.


Sometime prior to 3026, Norm Carter's father hooked up with Jaime Wolf after an unknown action and they started a sort of work relationship that ended in the unit accepting from time to time subcontracting for them.[1]

As of 3026 they were a subcontractor unit to Wolf's Dragoons. Quintus Allard noted in November 3026 that House Davion had attempted to insert an agent into Wolf's Dragoons by offering a MechWarrior with a Hatchetman 'Mech for hire, assuming the Dragoons would want to get their hands on a Hatchetman; the Dragoons indeed hired him, but sidelined the agent by offering him one of their trademark Archers (ARC-2W) in exchange for his Hatchetman and transferring him to Carter's Chevaliers "for a trial period" which he had to accept to maintain his cover.[2]

During all those years the unit continued to take Dragoon subcontracts (though also taking independent contracts). The considered Dragoons' Contracts always been a square deal: not always easy, but fair.

In 3054 the Carter's Chevaliers was a less well-known but effective mercenary unit that had decided to stay out of the Dragoons' Civil War even though they were told that good performance would end up earning them a posting in Wolf's Dragoons. They were an A rated command.[1]

When Major Norm Carter encountered Dechan Fraser, things changed. After speaking they decided that they could make the difference. They joined Alpin Wolf and Elson Novacat... but with the thought of betraying them to Jaime Wolf at the correct time.[1] They were named Kappa Battalion.[3]

During the first days the renamed Kappa Battalion had been held back from the fighting. Dechan though it as a sign that Elson had something special in mind for them. If Elson was abandoning the façade of working through Alpin, the decision point was coming soon.[4]

And then they were given operational orders: they had to take Tetsuhara proving ground control from the loyalist. Dechan thought this was Elson's way of making Dechan and his warriors prove that they were truly Dragoon material, that they were strong enough for what Elson had in mind. Taking the proving ground wouldn't be easy, but it would be a vital stroke. If they could take the control center before Wolf's forces got there, the campaign would be over quickly. The proving ground control complex was the last defensible position for an organized force. Without it, Wolf would have to surrender or go guerrilla. If he took the latter course, his bid to retake control of the Dragoons was finished. Dragoon custom demanded that challenges to Trials be fought as stand-up combat.[5]

While maneuvering to do that, they saw Maeve Wolf kill Alpin Wolf after a fair Clan-style one to one 'Mech battle. Carter's Caesar stomped up beside Dechan's Black Knight. That was the time. When Colonel Neil Parella, commander of Gamma Regiment command star moved along part of his unit to kill Maeve, Kappa Battalion reverted again to be Carter's Chevaliers (a Jaime Wolf aligned unit) and charged to defend her, first stopping them, and finally making Gamma retreat.[6]

Once the Dragoon Civil War ended, Dechan Fraser left the unit.

Carter's Chevaliers continued their mercenary work, still taking Dragoon subcontracts from time to time.[citation needed]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of Carter's Chevaliers
Carter (Norm's father) 3026[1]
Major Norm Carter 3054[1]


No specific tactics are known for this unit.

Composition History[edit]


Unknown, though most probably Battalion Strength.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Wolf Pack, Chapter 44
  2. Wolves on the Border, chapter 27
  3. Wolf Pack, Chapter 45
  4. Wolf Pack, Chapter 47
  5. Wolf Pack, Chapter 49
  6. Wolf Pack, Chapter 51
