The Day When Heaven Was Falling

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The Day When Heaven Was Falling
Product information
Type Novella
Author Jason Schmetzer
Cover Artwork David Kerber
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published 30 November 2021
Era Dark Age era
Timeline 30 December 3144 - 3 January 3145
Series Eridani Light Horse Chronicles
Preceded by No Dust, No Wear
Followed by Strong as Steel

The Day When Heaven Was Falling by Jason Schmetzer is the ninth entry in the Eridani Light Horse Chronicles series.

By 3144, a slowly-rebuilt Eridani Light Horse was defending itself against the predations of Clan Jade Falcon and now also the Hell’s Horses. Abandoned by their employer, the intense fighting between the mercenaries and the Clansmen left few surviving Light Horse warriors. Those that escaped the carnage were hunted down to the last soldier.[1]

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