Clan Mongoose

Revision as of 20:24, 22 October 2006 by Revanche (talk | contribs) (added pic)

The Clan Mongoose home planet of Shadow was also where the clan's name originated. Adopted from the animal that killed the dangerous Venom Worms, which were a great threat to humans, and as such endeared the mongoose to the clan. No longer in existence.

The clan was absorbed by Clan Smoke Jaguar for attempting to use the words of Nicholas Kerensky to sidestep a Grand Council ruling that ran against them. Being then deemed unfit to rule by the Grand Council, the Council called for a Trial of Absorption. Already weakened by a conflict with the Star Adders, Clan Mongoose fell before the Smoke Jaguars and their genetic legacies were acquired by the Cloud Cobras. Approximately 11 genetic legacies were acquired by Cloud Cobra, but the exact number cannot be confirmed due to the disarray Clan Mongoose was left in after the Trial of Absorption by the Smoke Jaguars. This also left the Bloodnames of the Mongoose Touman in Cloud Cobra's hands, although insufficient records have left the legacies of Mongoose Touman identities questionable, even to the present day.